
Сообщения за апрель, 2021

Мэрилин Мэнсон или биография чудо-гения

  Мэрилин Мэнсон – американский музыкант, легенда шок-рока, основатель и фронтмен группы Marilyn Manson. Его имя давно стало нарицательным, а ряды поклонников пополняются новыми поколениями слушателей. Секрет вечной молодости исполнителя прост – артист адресует творчество людям, которые идут своим путем. Детство и юность Мэрилин Мэнсон, настоящее имя которого – Брайан Хью Уорнер, родился под знаком зодиака Козерог в провинциальном городке Кантоне, штат Огайо. Его родители имели далекие от шоу-бизнеса профессии. Мать Барбара Уорнер работала медсестрой, а отец Хью Уорнер торговал мебелью. Люди религиозные, но разных конфессий. Отец – католик, а мама посещала протестантскую церковь. Сыну еще в детстве прививалась любовь к христианству. В 5 лет Брайан пошел учиться, но не в общеобразовательное учреждение, а в специальное учебное заведение для мальчиков «Наследие христианской школы». Там он окончил 10 классов, после чего семья переехала в Форт-Лодердейл, штат Флорида, где юноша учился после

Mortal Kombat Box Office Surprise Competitor Demon Slayer

Following a very off and unexpected year, the ecosystem of Hollywood is slowly returning to a semblance of normalcy. You may remember that before March 2020 we lived in a world that saw the release of a massive movie practically every couple of weeks, and now it seems like that pattern is returning. After all, it was only at the end of last month that  Adam Wingard's  Godzilla vs. Kong  made a big splash on its five-day opening weekend, and now Simon McQuiod's  Mortal Kombat  is getting all of the big blockbuster attention. The new video game movie has taken over the top spot at the box office – though what makes the news a tad stranger than expected is that the film had some serious competition from a surprising new title. This weekend (and while also being available to HBO Max subscribers),  Mortal Kombat earned $22.5 million from domestic ticket sales, which is solid, but not quite a match for the dominating figures put up by  Godzilla vs. Kong  a few weeks ago (the MonsterV

Republicans Target Voter Access in Texas Cities, but Not Rural Areas

In Houston, election officials found creative ways to help a struggling and diverse work force vote in a pandemic. Record turnout resulted. Now the G.O.P. is targeting those very measures.    HOUSTON — Voting in the 2020 election presented Zoe Douglas with a difficult choice: As a therapist meeting with patients over Zoom late into the evening, she just wasn't able to wrap up before polls closed during early voting. Then Harris County introduced 24-hour voting for a single day. At 11 p.m. on the Thursday  before the election , Ms. Douglas joined fast-food workers, nurses, construction workers, night owls and other late-shift workers at NRG Arena, one of eight 24-hour voting sites in the county, where more than 10,000 people cast their ballots in a single night. "I can distinctly remember people still in their uniforms — you could tell they just got off of work, or maybe they're going to work; a very diverse mix," said Ms. Douglas, 27, a Houston native. Twenty-four-hou